Join us for a fun and positive karaoke event in a safe and inclusive space, and welcome to all! Grab your free ticket to enjoy a photo booth, signature cocktails by Deep Eddy Vodka, rainbow cat ear giveaways, and free Main Stage karaoke all night celebrating PRIDE!!
By purchasing your [Free] ticket, you agree to the following guidelines that help us keep a safe space:
• I will be respectful towards all individuals participating in the event, including those singing karaoke and those attending as guests.
• I will not engage in any behavior that could be considered disrespectful, discriminatory, or offensive towards any person based on their identity, including but not limited to their sexual orientation, gender identity, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, or appearance.
• I understand that the event hosts and Tokyo Kitty staff have the right to intervene and ask me to leave the premises if I fail to adhere to these guidelines or engage in disruptive behavior.
• I acknowledge that Big Gay Karaoke aims to provide a welcoming space for everyone to enjoy themselves without fear of harassment or discrimination.
By signing up for a free ticket, I confirm that I have read and agree to comply with these guidelines. I understand that failure to do so may result in my removal from the event.